IFIP WG 13.1

Contact addresses

Paula Kotze
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of South Africa
P O Box 392, UNISA, 0003, South Africa
Phone (+27).12.429 6817
Fax: (+27).12.429 6655
E-Mail: kotzep@unisa.ac.za

Vice Chair:
Lars Oestreicher
Dept of Information Science
Uppsala University, Sweden
Email: larsoe@dis.uu.se

Secretary: :
Konrad Baumann
FH Joanneum
Alte Poststrasse 149
A-8020 Graz, Austria
Phone (+43).316.5453 8615
Fax (+43).316.5453 8601
Email: konrad.baumann@fh-joanneum.at


Updated: August 30, 2005; this website will not be maintained anymore.